A Time to be Grateful
As I sit here in the Global English Lounge of the University where I now work, I feel a deep appreciation for my life and all that I have in this moment. Sometimes life feels too good to be true, and my instant reaction is to believe that, and become superstitious, assuming that something bad is lurking around the corner. You see, when I am not present, my mind is so quick to trick me into worrying about anything and everything. This is why, I am writing in this moment. To remind myself of how fortunate and blessed I am.
So what am I grateful for?
Where do I begin?
I am grateful for the mug of hot apple cinnamon spice tea on my desk. This exciting new job that came to fruition for me when I was looking for a new direction. I am grateful for my health and it's ability to bounce back from illness and the strength that it has demonstrated to me. I am grateful for my family, the close bonds that I share with my parents and sister. My husband and his devotion to me and our marriage. I am grateful to be planning two weddings in Korea and Canada to celebrate our union and the fact that our family is so excited to do so with us. I am grateful to be sober and connected to my Higher Power. 💖
As someone who suffers from anxiety, it is very easy to focus on my future. This so easily can become a preoccupation, the thing that takes me farther and farther away from being in the present moment. For me, my mind fixates itself on planning. I become immersed in plans about the weekend, my to-do lists become endless and impossible to complete. In the materialistic world that we live in it is so easy for me to focus on what is missing in my life. Which, very quickly, becomes a very long list of things because my brain is bombarded with images of all the things I don't have constantly through social media everyday.
One way that I try to combat this temptation is through some practices that I have tried to instill in my weekly routines. Some of these rituals include: prayer, meditation, journal-ling, getting acupuncture, doing service to my community and having conversations with loved ones. These are some strategies that work for me.
To You...
My aim with this blog is to share my life with you and provide for you some hope and light in your day. I would like to connect as well and start a two-way conversation because I am sure that I can learn a lot from you as well. Please feel free to comment on this article and leave any tips that you might have for reducing anxiety and focusing on gratitude in the present moment. Also what are you grateful for?
So what am I grateful for?
Where do I begin?
I am grateful for the mug of hot apple cinnamon spice tea on my desk. This exciting new job that came to fruition for me when I was looking for a new direction. I am grateful for my health and it's ability to bounce back from illness and the strength that it has demonstrated to me. I am grateful for my family, the close bonds that I share with my parents and sister. My husband and his devotion to me and our marriage. I am grateful to be planning two weddings in Korea and Canada to celebrate our union and the fact that our family is so excited to do so with us. I am grateful to be sober and connected to my Higher Power. 💖
As someone who suffers from anxiety, it is very easy to focus on my future. This so easily can become a preoccupation, the thing that takes me farther and farther away from being in the present moment. For me, my mind fixates itself on planning. I become immersed in plans about the weekend, my to-do lists become endless and impossible to complete. In the materialistic world that we live in it is so easy for me to focus on what is missing in my life. Which, very quickly, becomes a very long list of things because my brain is bombarded with images of all the things I don't have constantly through social media everyday.
One way that I try to combat this temptation is through some practices that I have tried to instill in my weekly routines. Some of these rituals include: prayer, meditation, journal-ling, getting acupuncture, doing service to my community and having conversations with loved ones. These are some strategies that work for me.
To You...
My aim with this blog is to share my life with you and provide for you some hope and light in your day. I would like to connect as well and start a two-way conversation because I am sure that I can learn a lot from you as well. Please feel free to comment on this article and leave any tips that you might have for reducing anxiety and focusing on gratitude in the present moment. Also what are you grateful for?
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