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9 Years

On Monday, I turned 9 years sober. It was a relatively quiet birthday, spent it working and then eventually having dinner that my husband made. Over the weekend, my mom and husband attended an AA meeting with me and we went out to lunch after to celebrate, while my dad watched Jacob at home. It was a wonderful day. Just 9 years ago, my life looked very different from the way it looks today.  From Monday to Friday, it was relatively normal apart from the periodic pangs of anxiety when remembering something I'd done or said when drunk of the weekend. When the weekend came, the following anxieties accompanied it: What are my plans for Friday and Saturday night? Who is available to go out with me? Where will we go? What will we be drinking? What is my plan for not over doing it? And then Friday evening would set in, and the obsession would creep in quickly: When can I start drinking? How do I make this look casual in front of my family? How much can I drink at home before leaving to go

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