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Embracing My Second Pregnancy

New years eve came with the wonderful gift of finding out the sex of our baby- a girl! We are so excited to be welcoming her into the world in May 2025. I have been allowing myself to get more and more excited as I feel her somersaulting around inside my growing belly- she is very active in there, although I am still battling anxiety daily about her well-being and future.  Getting pregnant did not happen as easily as I hoped it would. We tried unsuccessfully for three months before getting pregnant, which in retrospect I understand is not a very long time but I really did not know what to expect because my pregnancy with Jacob came as a complete surprise.  I also turned 35 in December which is essentially when you become "geriatric" in the medical world, and google tells you that your fertility has dropped dramatically, so I was hyper aware of that as well. I have so much empathy for couples that struggle with infertility, because in just three months, the rollercoaster rid...

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